When to replace hardwood floors

When to Replace your Hardwood Floors

Hardwood floors are made to last a long time, decades even, but there are times when your hardwood floors need to be replaced earlier than expected. When this time comes, let the professionals at Zack Hardwood Flooring take care of replacing your floors. 

How do I know why my floors need to be replaced? This is a question many people have, but not may know the answer to. So when do you need to replace your hardwoods instead of refinishing them? Here are a few tell-tale signs that your floors need to be replaced:

Water Damage

Flooding, leaks, and constant water exposure can cause warping of the wood and severe water damage. Warping occurs when the wood soaks up excess water and swells and bends. Water damage is beyond repair and your floor needs to be replaced. Unless you experience flooding or severe water damage, you can typically replace the section of wood that is damaged instead of the entire surface area. However, you run the risk of not finding matching replacement planks, especially if your hardwood floors are older or a specific style.

Spacing and Movement

When your floors start to split between planks and move beneath your feet, it’s time to replace them. As the foundation in your house settles, it’s natural for some shifting to occur. However, when wood planks throughout the home have large gaps between, this is much more serious. 

Deep Scratches

Over time, your hardwood floors will endure the occasional wear and tear. Many surface stains and scratches can be buffed out or refinished. However, deeper scratches in your floors are typically beyond repair and will need to be replaced. Deep scratches can occur from a number of reasons like if you have a pet with long nails, such as a dog, or move furniture. Hardwood floors can only be sanded down so far and will most likely not be able to remove deep scratches. 

Exposed Nails and Other Hazards

Sometimes, nail heads can resurface and pose a risk of injury if it’s not taken care of. Typically, exposed nails are a sign that something else is wrong with your hardwoods. If your floors are experiencing exposed nails, it’s time to replace them.

A Fresh Look

Sometimes, you want a fresh new look in your home. As time goes by, you might get bored of one look, trends will change, and wear and tear happens to your floors. If you’re looking to change up the look of your home, replacing your hardwood flooring is a great way to do that! There are many different stains, styles, and woods to choose from. Since your flooring covers all areas of your house, it’s a great way to bring in a new style without a lot of projects. 

There will be times when you can get away with refinishing or fixing your floors rather than replacing them. If any of the scenarios above sound like your home, it may be time to replace them. Even though hardwood floors are made to last a lifetime, it is perfectly normal for there to be times when they need to be replaced. Let the experts at Zack Hardwood Flooring help you decide if your floors can be fixed or need to be replaced. We’re here to make sure your transition to new floors is seamless!

Hardwood Flooring Services in Charlotte, NC

Here at Zack Hardwood Flooring, we offer a full range of hardwood flooring services to residential homes and commercial facilities, here are our main hardwood services:

Are you ready to get your hardwood floor installed properly and professionally? Contact Zack Hardwood Flooring today, or call us at 704-899-5222