installing hardwood floors

Can I “DIY” Hardwood Floor Installation?

Many homeowners find themselves wanting to change the look of their floors. Whether they already have hardwood floors installed and are looking to replace them entirely or have another type of flooring, such as tile, carpet or vinyl, and want to install hardwood floors, following this guide can help you determine if you can install your new hardwood floor on your own or if you should seek a flooring professional to do the job. When considering such an extensive “DIY” or “do it yourself” project, it’s important to consider these facts: level of expertise needed to do the job, cost difference of doing it yourself or hiring a professional, and overall workload (i.e., time, energy and resources).

Is this a job or an amateur or a professional?

There are many quick how-to guides you can easily find on the internet that can walk you through step-by-step on how to install new hardwood floors. However, not all floors are the same. When looking at the size of your project, consider the experience level needed to complete the job. What type of floors do you currently have that you are looking to replace? What does your subfloor consist of? Do you have the tools and equipment needed to complete the job? What type of hardwood are you looking to install and are you installing a simple pattern or a complex one? These are some of the important questions you should ask yourself when considering installing new hardwood floors on your own. 

What is the cost difference of doing it myself versus hiring a professional?

While oftentimes “doing it yourself” can save you a lot of money, it’s important to consider what that saved money is actually worth. Look at the value of hiring professionals by getting estimates from local contractors and flooring companies and budget out the cost of purchasing the floors, renting equipment and buying all the materials needed. Refer to this budget guide to calculate the estimated cost of new hardwood floors. 

What is my commitment?

Installing new floors, especially hardwood floors, takes time, energy and resources. Knowing beforehand how big of a commitment a project like this can be is important in determining if you’re capable of DIY’ing. If you are working by yourself, it can take approximately 2-7 days to completely install new hardwood floors; however, if you have assistance, that time could be shortened. If you are hiring a flooring crew, the average time to install hardwood floors is 1-3 days. The process of installing hardwood flooring is not only time consuming, but also energy consuming. Depending on what type of flooring you currently have and your experience level, it can be a laborious effort to install new hardwood floors. Finally, it takes a lot of resources, such as tools, equipment and knowledge. Consider the time, energy and finances involved in researching and learning how to install hardwood flooring, purchasing or renting equipment, and actually completing the project. 

Now that you know what level of skill is needed, cost and materials, as well as the commitment to install new hardwood floors, the question remains – can you install hardwood flooring on your own? If the answer is yes, great! We’re happy to show you our extensive inventory of hardwood flooring options and answer any questions you may have. If the answer is no, then let the experts at Zack Hardwood Flooring do it for you! Give us a call to see how we can best assist you. 

Hardwood Flooring Services in Charlotte, NC

Here at Zack Hardwood Flooring, we offer a full range of hardwood flooring services to residential homes and commercial facilities, here are our main hardwood services:

Are you ready to get your hardwood floor installed properly and professionally? Contact Zack Hardwood Flooring today, or call us at 704-899-5222